Corporate jobs are no more jobs, it’s your profession; Treat like a business!

Corporate jobs are no more jobs, it’s your profession; Treat like a business!

Corporate jobs are no more jobs it’s a profession, you need to optimize yourself to get paid maximum like Business. Your skills, mental strength, and continuity hugely impact your remuneration. Today delivering results is the key factor to get into pivotal roles like CEO, Director, Country Heads, etc.

Anant and Sunil passed out MBA from the same year & from the same institute but after 13 years, Anant is the senior VP and drawing 62 lakh package but Sunil is just senior manager and drawing 14 lakh package. This is just an example but you might be experiencing many similar kinds of situations around you.

We are

We are professional consultants who can scientifically identify 3 areas where you can make significant progress and achieve self-excellency to deliver improved results in your professional & corporate career.

  • Area 1- Work issues:  Our work productivity is highly impacted by our work culture. Many times these factors are not in our control like office politics, cultural issues, peer pressure, job insecurity, etc. This can lead to feeling frustrated demotivated and many times uninspired to work and progress.
  • Area 2-Sustainability: Have you ever thought that why it is that earlier person would work for the same company for years together while now that has drastically come down. Sustaining and growing in a career requires a lot of life skills. Without these skills, we try to adapt to situations by changing jobs frequently, by changing projects, and in some cases changing careers too. This causes a lot of mental pressure and constantly questioning the decisions you have taken. Sustainability challenges generally create a work environment with poor employee morale and a general wave of insecurity throughout the company.
  •  Area 3- Growth: If there is no problem and you feel things are pretty smooth it is a good time to examine are you in a growth zone or are you in your comfort zone. Comfort zone is when Currently you may not be having a serious problem, you may be having settled job or position but you might be you are ok to accept less than the best just because you have attachment with company/boss/co-workers and are reluctant to disturb this culture around you. You also enter your comfort zone when you are afraid of challenges, environment changes and adaptability issues that come with new opportunities. The comfort zone feels good however it will not improve your skill levels and financial levels significantly. A Comfort zone also puts you at risk of feeling job insecurity. This transition from comfort zone to growth zone is what we specialize in.

Our solutions and services:-

  • We are a team of trained professionals who can identify, analyze and solutionize these challenges faced by you. You might be struggling with Work issues or sustainability or your growth, we have a unique model to identify the root cause.
  • It is a two-step process where the first step is using a scientifically designed psychometric test to get insights of the issue. Along with it there is a discussion with our experts who understand the context.
  • These root causes are then analyzed by our psychoanalyst to design a solution that is unique to your problem. These solutions/remedies are then discussed with you in a 1 on 1 consulting session.

Take the first step towards your progress !!

Do connect with us

Call/ WhatsApp @ +91 70200 23639


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