Accelerate Your Path to a B. Com Degree in just one year !

Accelerate Your Path to a B. Com Degree in just one year !


Is your B.Com education incomplete for some reason? Students who have not been able to complete their B.Com degree, now have a golden opportunity! The education of some of the students is incomplete for one reason or another. But no need to worry now! We have come up with a golden opportunity to enable them to complete their incomplete B.Com degree education now. If students take it to heart, they can revive their life by fulfilling their unfulfilled dreams of higher education with us.
Our One Sitting B. Com degree is the program that is useful for the students who have discontinued their studies after 12th Commerce. There is no age requirement for admission. It doesn’t even require you to attend college full time. Workers, worldly women, village dwellers as well as college-dropout candidates can complete their education through our One Sitting B. Com degree program in their spare time. Undergraduate and post-graduate Courses in Management, Science, Arts, Engineering, and Diploma, etc. are also available.

Do you need help? Do you want to pursue a One Sitting B. Com Degree?

Call/WhatsApp: +91 7020023639


Distance Learning Centre

450, Mastermind One – IT Park, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400065.


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