Micro Network Marketing

Micro Network Marketing: We have many manufacturers who do not have a good source or platform for marketing and branding their products. Whether the product is good or benefits the customer, a supermarket or showroom e.g. D-Mart, Big Bazaar, etc. If you go to keep the product in, the product is not kept there. Micro Network Marketing is a great marketing and branding model for such manufacturers and products. Micro network marketing is a marketing strategy that helps a manufacturing company to target a good customer base for their specific product or service. In micro-network marketing, a company categorizes target customers by specific criteria and then develops specific marketing strategies for each of those specific groups. In which the customer is at the center. Micro Network Marketing is a Highly Targeted Strategy, as it targets a specific group of customers. When a customer buys your product, he is offered a membership through the company’s software or app. Under that membership, if he gets more customers in his introduction or network, he is given an incentive in the form of some reward points. This means that if the first customer likes your product or service, they can inform their friends and family about their products and services as well as motivate them to purchase the product.


Beneficial to small scale producers: Micro network marketing is very low cost and effective for a manufacturing company which does not have a big budget for TV commercials, hire very big artists as brand ambassadors, do not have a big budget for large scale marketing or can not do large scale branding. There is a way. E.g. Suppose you have an ayurvedic product and its price is Rs. 500 / – to the customer who recommends your product and sells it. 100 / – can be used to give incentives in the form of reward points so that only your customer can be motivated to act as your seller. This increases the ability of the manufacturer to drive sales of products/services. This method can generate billions of rupees in your business.


Reward Points: Unlike other network marketing methods, micro-network marketing does not involve monetary transactions. These methods earn loyalty points or reward points. Using these points, your customers can buy and sell more products. For example, a customer will get Rs 100 reward points for every Rs 500 sold and he can earn Rs 1000 for selling the product to 10 people. This is a very good marketing strategy. Since these methods do not involve the exchange of money in any way, it is completely legal. This method is important in terms of building good relationships with the customer network and the customers within the network. The goal of micro-network marketing is to develop strong relationships with your customers. Customer loyalty is a high priority when using this strategy.


Do you need help? : Are you also a producer of any product? Do you have good products? Do you want to do your marketing and branding with a micro-network marketing method? Need more information and guidance on micro-network marketing? Then, of course, contact us, we will help you. Take it one step further.


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