Before you start any kind of research try and understand what problems you can face while writing a research topic and how to overcome the problem which can arise while writing a research topic. So you should be able to understand about your research topic and at same you should be able to define it than only you can get in to writing basically research problem or question related to research act as a fuel for case studies.
- Importance of research topic: Why does research topic matter to researchers? It’s important to decide and to mention research topic as it specify your study area and at same time you have to provide a synopsis and how you will develop a theory .The quality of research problem decides your success .
- Research problem: It definite statements which express your area of concern improving in research or having trouble in the question that, exist in theory literature, and practice
- Research statement: A research problem isa statement which explain about the area of concern which needs improvement and which difficulty needs to be improved. A difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that trouble you in scholarly literature, in theory,
- Study of research question: In social science a researcher has to study the question which is research problem and it does not state any clue about the question so we can say it’s unclear which needs to be studied and come up with the solutions
- Purpose of a problem statement: Reader should be able understand the importance of topic which is being studied the reader is becoming conversant with to the importance of the study and the research questions or theory to follow.
- Structure of coverage: Provides the structure for coverage the results and specify what is almost certainly essential to carry out the study and describe how the conclusion will present this information.
- Quality of research problem: for your research problem to be effective to have quality in research , make sure that it you include these basic characteristics:
- Relevant issues: It should explain important issues and needs It should be based on factual evidence and not on theoretical it should be relevant to you problem and you answer should be factual for that You should have a meaningful and at same time should give suggestion also and should be meaningful make sure to avoid useless answers .
If you understand the problem and work according and solve the problem with factual answer and consult with your guide you can get quality PHD rteaserch project .